My Story

Hi, my name is Arame, and I love to make things! That’s how all this started. I started crocheting during the pandemic, not knowing it would bring me so much joy and abundance.

I am a Black non-binary artist from the Twin Cities. I’ve been running Arame’s Creations for almost five years. I love to make things with my hands, and crocheting has been my perfect outlet. It's a great balance of fashion, craftsmanship, and freedom. I have sold my work with other amazing artists at venues like Art-a-whirl, ITSTOPIA, B. Resale, Tangible Collective community events, and more to come. I also make custom pieces, which you can see in the “creations in the community” spot on the site. Overall, I make pieces for all those who want something unique, colorful, artisanal, and artistic. Every piece in my collection tells a story of liberation. I want to help people find their personal style, use color, and feel free in what they wear. BE JOYFUL, UNLEASH YOUR CREATIVITY